Accessed via upvc double front door, radiator, stairs to first floor landing. Doors lead off:
Suite comprising low level wc, pedestal wash hand basin with mixer tap over, radiator, partly tiled walls, front aspect frosted upvc double glazed window.
Range of base, wall and drawer mounted units, laminate worksurfaces, one and half bowl sink unit with a mixer tap over. Appliance points, power points, oven/ grill with four ring gas hob and extractor hood over. Integral washing machine and dishwasher, space for fridge freezer, front aspect upvc double glazed window.
Television point, data point, power points, radiator, space for dining table, under stairs storage cupboard, rear aspect upvc double glazed french door leading to garden.
Power points, access to loft via hatch. Doors lead off:
Power points, radiator, rear aspect upvc double glazed window.
Power points, radiator, overstairs storage cupbaord, front aspect upvc double window.
Suite comprising panelled bath with shower and taps over, low level wc, pedastal wash hand basin with mixer tap over and storage below, partly tiled walls, radiator.
To the front of the property there are two allocated bloc paved parking spaces.
To the rear of the property the is a flagstone patio leading down to a garden partly laid to decking and partly laid to decorative stone with a private path providing rear access.
Mains water, gas, electricity & drainage.
Estate maintenance charge circa £150 per annum.
Stroud District Council
Council Tax Band: B
These details are yet to be approved by the vendor and may be subject to change. Please contact the office for more information.