Accessed via upvc double glazed door to side. Radiator, storage cupboard. Doors lead off:
Tv point, power points, radiator, rear aspect upvc double glazed window and door leading to the garden. Door to:
Range of base, wall and drawer mounted units, laminate worksurfaces, stainless steel sink and drainer. Appliance points, power points, radiator. Space for cooker, fridge, freezer and washing machine. Part tiled walls, tiled flooring, rear aspect upvc double glazed window.
Power points, radiator, front aspect upvc double glazed window.
Power points, radiator, built in storage cupboard, front aspect upvc double glazed window.
Suite comprising, panelled bath with electric shower over, pedestal wash basin with separate taps over, low level wc, airing cupboard, fully tiled walls. Side aspect upvc double glazed window.
At the front of the property you'll find a gravel garden and tarmacadam driveway offering off-road parking for three cars which leads to the front door.
To the rear of the property, you'll find a low-maintenance garden that is fully enclosed with fencing. It features a spacious patio area, accented by slate chippings, all surrounded by a variety of bushes, plants, and shrubs.
Gloucester City Council
Council Tax Band: B
Mains water, gas, electricity and drainage.