Accessed through composite double glazed door. Stairs to first floor.
Power points, radiator, access to loft space, wooden door to storage cupboard, side aspect upvc double glazed window. Doors lead off:
Range of base, wall and drawer mounted units, laminate worksurfaces, stainless steel sink unit with a mixer tap over. Appliance points, power points, oven/ grill with four ring gas hob and extractor hood over, Worcester gas fired boiler, space for fridge/ freezer and washing machine. Tiled flooring, front aspect upvc double glazed window.
Tv points, power points, two radiators, space for dining table, coving, front aspect upvc double glazed windows.
Power points, radiator, rear aspect upvc double glazed window.
Power points, radiator, two rear aspect upvc double glazed windows.
Suite comprising panelled bath with shower over, low level wc, pedestal wash hand basin. Partly tiled walls, vinyl flooring, radiator, side aspect upvc double glazed window.
The property benefits from communal gardens and resident parking.
Lease: 999 years from 1982
Building Insurance: £200.00 pa
Management Fee: £330.00 pa
Gloucester City Council
Council Tax Band: B
Mains water, gas, electricity and drainage.
These details are yet to be approved by the vendor and may be subject to change. Please contact the office for more information.